Comma Practice: Comma Introductory and Comma Conjunction

Instructions: Apply the comma introductory (INTRO) and comma conjunction (CONJ) rules to the sentences below. Identify the reason for using a comma at the end of each sentence. For example:

Incorrect: If you are able to assist John you should.
Corrected: If you are able to assist John, you should. (INTRO)

Incorrect: However do not compromise your position.
Corrected: However, do not compromise your position. (INTRO)

1. Furthermore the cost of the computer included all software.

Your Answer:

Reveal Corrected Sentence
Furthermore, the cost of the computer included all software. INTRO

2. We purchased the computer but we did not need it.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
We purchased the computer, but we did not need it. CONJ

3. In addition the new software was not compatible with our computers.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
In addition, the new software was not compatible with our computers. INTRO

4. Even though we are pleased with the results we do not recommend this approach.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
Even though we are pleased with the results, we do not recommend this approach. INTRO

5. The idea of a merger was refreshing but it soon lost its appeal.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
The idea of a merger was refreshing, but it soon lost its appeal. CONJ

6. So that you may make a wiser decision please read our report thoroughly.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
So that you may make a wiser decision, (YOU) please read our report. INTRO

7. Jim is not responsible for the loss yet he is willing to accept the consequences.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
Jim is not responsible for the loss, yet he is willing to accept the consequences. (CONJ)

8. However he did not indicate when his manager would return.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
However, he did not indicate when his manager would return. (INTRO)

9. The phone rang several times and the intern walked away without answering it.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
The phone rang several times, and the intern walked away without answering it. (CONJ)

10. If you arrive early will someone be there to greet you?

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
If you arrive early, will someone be there to greet you? (INTRO)

11. Because they were dissatisfied with our product their answer did not surprise us.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
Because they were dissatisfied with our product, their answer did not surprise us. (INTRO)

12. As soon as George hears from his attorney he will call us.

Your Answer:

Reveal Revised Sentence
As soon as George hears from his attorney, he will call us. (INTRO)