What are you learning to help you proofread and edit effectively? What editing tips can you give your readers? As you apply what you are learning, what results are you seeing in your writing?
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What are you learning to help you proofread and edit effectively? What editing tips can you give your readers? As you apply what you are learning, what results are you seeing in your writing?
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Hi Everyone,
Some of the things, I am learning in class is going back and rereading what, I write so basically proofread what, I write. It is very exciting to be able to learn things that Professor Young is teaching. She is really giving me good feedback and lets me know what, I should be doing and how I should do it. This class is also helping me in other classes with my writing. I am also learning how to edit my writing and make it more concise and not as long but, still very informative. I always thought the more you write the better, I was shocked that it is the less you write. With that being said, I really do like this class and plan on getting better with my professional.
Best of luck,
The main thing that I am learning to help me proofread and edit effectively is to slow down. When reading my own writing I tend to speed through it because it is hard to find mistakes in something I just wrote. I learned that if I write it one day and check back the next that I am able to find many more mistakes than I originally had. Another editing tip that I have is to read what you wrote out loud. Sometimes that voice in your head overlooks some mistakes that you can normally notice when you read out loud. As I continue to learn throughout this course, I am seeing that when I get papers back I have less grammatical errors than I ever have before, now I only have to work on the content.
I have learned a lot of valuable tools in the course about proofreading and editing that have enhanced my skills as a writer. One major thing I have gotten out of this class is that editing is a process. A marathon, not a sprint if you will. I was the stereotypical college student, writing my papers in one sitting and editing as I went along. This is a terrible way to write a paper and this class has taught me how to properly edit and revise. Editing should occur in phases.
This is also the editing tip I would give to my readers. When you have a deadline on a writing assignment, start early so you can edit properly. Take a day to write a rough draft and then mark it up with changes you want to make. Write the paper again with these changes and then take it a step further and mark it up again. If you edit this way, your writing will improve drastically, the way my writing has.
As I continue to learn valuable principles in the course, I find my writing improving. I am not making grammatical errors, my writing has become much more concise, and I have been taking my time with my assignments.
I have learned a lot about proofreading and editing so far in our course. The biggest thing that I have learned about proofreading and editing is that it is best to give yourself time to finish the processes. You should not go on to editing as soon as you finish writing. You should give yourself time to have a break from your writing before you go back to editing. Having a fresh set of eyes will help see mistakes earlier. I am applying this in my writing by finishing a draft sooner to give myself enough time to wait at least a day for proofreading. I have also learned that reading aloud will help finding certain mistakes easier. I would advise readers to make sure that when you read aloud when proofreading, your document is not too wordy. Conciseness is always best when writing. Finally, I have learned that prewriting helps to make proofreading easier in the long run.
In Professor Young’s professional writing class, I am learning the correct skills to properly compose professional writing and speaking. When I proofread I double check the information I have provided, and I review a hard copy to visually see how my document would turn out. I also read my text aloud, and use spell check. If I’m ever confused on assignments or have a question I ask Professor Young and she will guide me towards the right direction. All of these tips will help you to edit and proofread efficiently, just go back and take it slow when reviewing your assignment. I can properly create professional documents such as; emails, complaint responses, resumes. I have also been learning how to correctly punctuate my papers, Professor Young’s commentary really helps me better understand my mistakes. This class has really helped me build character for the professional world. I really have learned a lot from the criteria of her two books; Professional Writing – 2nd Edition, Special Edition W-231 and The Writer’s Handbook: Grammar for Writing.
All the best,
Hi all,
Throughout this semester of writing, I have focused on taking my time to proofread my writings. This is such a crucial part of the writing process but is one that is overlooked so often as everyone is so busy in other tasks. I also learned that by editing a piece I can greatly get my point across without all of the dead words that we are all accustomed to using just to fill up page space in other classes. To recap, take your time while writing. It shouldn’t be a daunting task, pick a topic you enjoy and have fun with is.
Hello Everyone,
Before this class, I was moving too quickly and not taking the time to proofread my writing. I now try to make sure to take the time to read and re-read even the most basic emails. I check for an introduction, body and conclusion in my more formal writing. I check verb tense, punctuation, and making sure I’m not using outdated phrasing. Proofreading and ensuring that you don’t make mistakes, gives you more creditability and makes you appear more professional. Taking the time to go back and edit some of the errors caught by proofreading is important because it can save you from embarrassment. It has resulted in a drastic improvement in my writing. I’m really working to apply everything I’m learning from this class.
Best Regards,
Guillermo Villagrana
Hello everyone,
This class has shown me that I have not been properly writing. I learned that I was not great with writing emails. Professor Young has taught me the correct forms and ways to compose a basic email. From the basics of the openings and closings to being formal and informal. She has been very good and giving me feedback on my strengths and how to improve my weaknesses. She’s taught me the importance of re reading my writing and correcting my mistakes. When writing I always would ramble on and use extra words to sound important and sophisticated. Professor Young has taught me that you do not have to have much writing to get your point across. I am one who does not like writing, but this class has made me want to strive and improve my skills.
Best of luck,
In this class I am learning how to structure my sentences in a way that is making my writing better and precise and to the point. Cutting the excess weight in my writing has been one of the top things that I’ve grasped. Though my writing still isn’t where I would like it to be, it is a work in progress. I have to consciously put the principles I learned throughout this semester in the front of my mind so I won’t forget to use them. But this class has helped tremendously. Now when I write I make sure that Im not putting unnecessary and redundant words in to make my writing longer. Keeping everything in mind, I try to write whatever comes to mind then proofread after I’m done. The tip I would give to my readers is to write and don’t edit while writing but after.
I have learned a lot about writing and editing from this course. I now find myself proofreading everything that I write before I turn it in. I go through and make sure that I have not misspelled any words. I make sure that I am using the proper punctuation. I have also learned the correct way to write a business letter and memo. Professor Young makes it a point to give you feedback on your writing. I really appreciate that she does this. I think that by doing this, it reassures the student that they are properly applying the skills that she is teaching. I am so thankful that I am taking this course. I plan on using everything that I have learned. The two key things that I will remember is that “less is more”, and that “when in doubt, spell it out.”
There’s other things that I will remember, but I like those two the best.
All the best,
Good Evening Everyone,
To begin, I am learning the importance to proofreading! In times past, I would throw my work together, edit a little here and there as I went. Then once I had completed what I wanted to say, I would print and turn in my work. I never spend adequate time going over my words. I have learned that while editing as I go is helpful, it does not do the job. I need to read over my work thoroughly.
Two tips that I am finding more and more useful are editing tangible work and asking for help. First, editing tangible work means printing a physical copy of your work and reading through it. Many times we catch errors on paper that we may of missed on a computer screen. Second, asking for help means getting a second opinion never hurts. Sometimes because we have thought out what we want to say, our text does not say what we want. Words can be left out and punctuation errors can be made. A fresh pair of eyes can easily solve this issue.
As I apply what I am learning I can see an overall change in my writing. I find that I am much more confident in what I say. I know to be clear and to the point. Which eliminates run-ons and useless information. I have also begun using paragraphs to break apart text. I really enjoy that because it helps make my writing much easier to read.
Best Wishes,
Sophia Roberts
Hello Everyone,
I’m learning everyday how to effectively edit and proof read my writing. Honestly when this class first start I would just run through my assignments without editing it. Now I actually realize that by doing that my work would turn out to have a horrible presentation. In my mind I had the perfect paper but Professor Young gave me the exact feedback that I needed to better my writing skills. I know for a fact that I am not a professional but yet I”m really trying my best to get to that point. In order to get to that point you have to understand that your first writing piece is not always your best. My editing advice to you is to always have someone else read your write before you turn it in. This is the most important one of all because what sounds right may sound totally wrong to someone else. Secondly, rewrite you write to make sure that you have thing in correct format. Third, you have to make sure that your punctuation is correct throughout your paper. With these things correctly done I don’t understand why you wouldn’t get a perfect A. Lastly, when I began to apply what I learned I noticed a big improvement in my writing. The little small mistakes that I use to make I no longer see myself doing them. This class has really helped me and my writing skills tremendously and I am forever thankful to have Professor Young as a teacher this semester.
All the Best,
Hello Class,
Before I enrolled in this class I was far from a religious proofreader when it came to my assignments and papers. However, with the assistance from my classmates and my professor I have learned that proofreading is as essential to the writing process as any other stage. By simply reading through one’s paper to check for punctuation, grammatical, or stylistic errors, one can greatly improve the quality of his work as well as earn a higher grade. If a person is able to have one or two other knowledgeable people review his work, having extra eyes on the paper can help the writer find errors he otherwise might have missed. As I have begun to apply these concepts to my writing process I have seen the quality of my work improve drastically. I am very thankful for the opportunity to better prepare myself for my future career in this course. The skills I have learned that I can apply to professional writing will serve me for many years to come.
Best Regards,
Lance J. Pisowicz
This class has equipped me with some valuable tools that I will use throughout my career. One of the key points that I have learned in this class, is that in order for someone else to read your assignment, you must be able to read your own work as well. Another key points to consider is organization. There is nothing worse that writing a paper that has no direction. After organizing your thoughts and writing them down, you should read it out loud because this helps to hear how your paper will sound to others. After writing an assignment, you should always proofread and edit. Prior to taking this class, I would proofread and edited as I was writing the paper. I now realize that will make my job easier if I edit and proofread after the paper is written. Another point that I have learned is to allow adequate time to complete work. When an assignment is rushed, even a very knowledgeable person will make mistakes.
Professor Young’s mode of teaching is very encouraging and lets me know that with proper direction, we can all achieve great writing skills.
Best regards,
Alice Cross
Hello Everyone,
The first thing I would like to mention is that is nice to be able to put a face to the person I have been writing. Sometimes, it is hard to put my feelings on paper and then thinking as I look around campus who has read my inner most thoughts.
This number one thing this class is giving me is to keeping me writing. The more I write the more I will develop my written voice. I sound more credible when my words have correct spelling and are used correctly. Punctuation is still my downfall but I have a book to look up ways to use punctuation now; this I find is incredible helpful.
I find it helpful to use print preview before running a printed copy. Although I think save the trees, running a printed copy helps check for any errors I may have. I try to leave time before assignment is due to make it possible to look things over the next day before submitting.
I do enjoy reading this website and the opportunity to be heard.
Best of wishes,
Barbara McEachern
Hi everyone,
What I am learning to help to proofread and edit effectively is to be patient. This is something that you do not learn overnight and it is a process that needs to be done over and over for you to grasp the information. The editing tips for the readers is to try to compose your message to be direct in some situations that we learned. To make sure you are not rambling on in your sentences because you can confuse the reader. Also, to make sure you have white space in your message so the reader can see the message clearly. The results I am seeing in my writing is a message I sent over an email to my clerk-treasurer. If this was a couple of months ago I would have not had an opening and closing salutation in my email. I made sure to get my point across, and used what I learned in this class to structure my email. My writing has changed since this class and it is not perfect, but the progress that has been made will guide me in the future.
Take care,
Demario Hathorne
Hello Everyone,
My writing is improving throughout this course. I enjoy the feedback that I am receiving from professor Young about my assignments. I have learned a lot in this class about proper formatting. The main thing I have learned is the importance of white space to make sure a document looks organized and presentable. I have also learned how to format a business letter and to use a colon after the salutation. The book has helped me overcome the type of writing challenges I come across while writing. For example it has given me tips on how to overcome writer’s block. The book assigned for this course is very insightful, and gives good tips on how to edit and format different types of documents. I am learning not to edit as I am writing, although this is still a challenge for me. I am used to editing on the go, and have caught my self occasionally doing it. Writing is a process. This class and professor Young has helped me to realize that writing takes practice.
Best regards,
Good evening everyone,
This course has taught me so many things about my writing that I was never aware of before. I used to never edit my writing. I used to always spell check my work and turn it in. After two weeks into this writing course, I stared editing every little thing I was writing. One thing this course has really taught me about editing is to always to write first and edit second. I would always write and edit at the same time if I even edited at all. Now when I sit to down to write a paper or a letter, I free write first and then print a copy of my writing. After printing the copy, I then edit my work and make changes as needed. This step has really improved my writing skills.
Learning how to edit has also improved my writings skills tremendously. My advice to future writers about editing is to be patient. I have learned that writing takes time, and to give myself enough time to write and edit.
Applying what we are learning in this course has improved my writing every day. By practicing what I am learning, I am reinforcing every skill that I have learned. My writing is becoming more clear, and concise every day. Professor Young is extremely helpful, and her textbook is simply amazing. It is comparable to real life experiences and is beneficial to all that reads it. I will forever keep this text, so if in the future I need a reference I will have one.
Thank you so much professor Young for everything you have taught me!
Best wishes to everyone,
Britney Schuitema
Good Evening class,
I have learned that proofreading plays such a huge role in the writing process. It can make a difference in your paper. No one should have to figure out what it is that you are trying to say. If it does not make sense to you then it probably won’t make sense to the reader. Be confident in your writing because when you are not it shows. It took me a while to understand that sometimes you have to delete big chunks out of your paper but in the end it is worth it. Two people are better than one, so having someone proofread after you is always helpful. Our eyes are trained to look over mistakes. I find it easy to proofread each paragraph as I write them. It becomes a challenge when I write an entire paper then try to proofread and discover I was just babbling. By applying what I have learned I have become more confident in my writing. I also feel good enough to share ideas and tips with peers. Most importantly, it reflects in my grades. Writing has to become a part of you in order to succeed.
Best Regards,
Vanria Nabors
Hello everyone,
I have always struggled with commas and editing my grammar mistakes. I have been learning valuable tools that are helping me through out this course such as fixing my grammar mistakes and learning the different formats of business documents. Who would have known that there was so much to formatting business letters. I would of never known until taking this course. I really do believe this course helps and will help me in the future. Also, proof reading should take time instead of rushing through it. When proof reading, it helps to read out loud to catch common mistakes. I have found this to help me when I’m correcting my comma mistakes. This class has made me a more professional writer.
All the best,
Stefanija Gligoroska
Hello class,
I learned about proof reading is to eliminate words and shouldn’t be included. Sometime I am a little wordy when I’m writing a sentences. When I complete my writing assignment, I have so much to write about and I tend to write too much and create a run-on sentence, so I have to read my sentence and delete words that shouldn’t be in the sentence. I have a habit to read a paragraph that I wrote than delete it and rewriting it to make the paragraph sound better. I think everyone has the same problem as me. I suggest everyone to limit their words, because sometime we tend to write so much and not realizing we wrote a run-on sentence. Words are created to be change and I need to remember that, because I tend to use the same words I need to expand my vocabulary more. Transforming one word to another can add a little description to a sentence.
best wishes,
Hello everyone,
I have learned so many valuable lessons this semester in Professor Young’s class. I find it so beneficial almost everything we learn in class I can use in everyday life. I have learned the proper word usage can be key to understanding what is trying to be said. Before this class, I always struggled with formatting correctly but her books list in steps how to format the right way. I find that to be so helpful, because if you just follow the steps or checklists your paper should be formatted correctly! The feedback she gives after every assignment really helps me to understand where I need to better my skills at. I definitely will keep the books because I have found myself for other classes referring to the books to make sure I am composing something correctly. Overall, this class has been one of the best English classes I have taken regarding learning.
Best regards,
Dana Grimes