What did you learn about giving and receiving feedback this week? How does giving feedback apply to writing e-mail messages and other types of office communications? What insights and experiences would you like to share about giving and receiving feedback?
I learned that feedback should give useful information that describes facts and details. Feedback is important to use in emails and office communications. Feedback can help a company run more efficiently by sharing ideas, suggestions and comparing data. It is very important to give and receive valuable feedback. I have received great ideas from others and hopefully given some too.
Feedback can be a very valuable resource for the person or group who is receiving or giving an idea. When working on a project it offers different perspectives that you may not have considered. Feedback is a very important aspect of running an efficient company, and giving support to co-workers.
I have learned a lot about the proper way to give a feedback. When giving feedback you have to be respectful and professional. I think constructive and positive feedback should be used more often in the work place. They tend to facilitate communication, improve relationships, and motivate people. When including suggestions in the feedback, it shows the person that you are trying to help, and not trying to criticize their work or idea. It is important to not offend the receiver and give them credit for the good things they had done and for trying their best.
I don’t tend to give a lot of feedback, but I like receiving it. I found feedback to be helpful whether it’s from a professor, a friend, or a family member. My sister gives me a lot of feedback and she is the one person that I always turn to when it comes to making a major decision. I remember when I told her that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to become a nurse or a physical therapist, she wrote me a list of advantages and disadvantage of both professions.
I learned that , when done with the right intentions, feedback is the avenue to performance of greatness. Employees have to know what they are doing well and not so well. For them to really hear your thoughts and suggestions on ways to improve, though that feedback has to be delivered carefully. It’s your obligation to help them identify and learn the skills and knowledge needed for a successful career. Which allows you to acknowledge thier strengths and to motivate them to work on areas of weakness.
When you receive feedback, Try not to be defensive. Your employer is trying to help you succeed. If you’re feeling defensive, it might be a good idea to ask if you can make an appointment to discuss the feedback later, after you’ve had time to think . You don’t want to continue the conversation while you are upset. It’s best to have a cooling down first. You also don’t want to ask your employer to defend the feedback, since feedback generally involves subjective perceptions and opinions.
Finally, whether you agree with the feedback or not, thank your eployer for his or her time and for being helpful to you.
When feedback is given correctly it allows growth and understanding about oneself. Effective feedback includes more specifics like “‘time and examples” regarding the task being performed. Negative feedback is when your just being told “all the things you did wrong” without advice on correcting it. Employers generally use effective feedback in the workplace, because it is just that, it is more effective. We should all try be open minded when receiving feedback; weather it is negative or constructive, it is a way to improve upon ourselves!
Hello Donna and all readers!
I have learned so many things out of this chapter this week on giving and receiving feedback that has been very useful to my current job. One thing in particular is how to effectively give constructive feedback. I tend to have a habit of keeping my feedback to my employees back until it is so built up and comes all out at once. With this, I realized they feel like they are just not doing good enough and feel distraught. It has been working out more effectively by simply correcting the behavior with constructive feedback when I realize something is not going right. It makes it easier on not only myself, but for my workers as well because it’s easy to correct one mistake at a time. Constructive feedback should be used in all workplaces because it allows the receiver to not take it as criticizing, but rather something to improve on. It will allow for a more efficient and smooth running company when feedback is given correctly.
Feedback applies to email messages and other office communications because if it is done right, it is useful for sharing ideas and giving suggestions for improving the company itself. It is also useful in the sense of giving support to coworkers when it is needed. Donna gives us all good support on all the comments she give us for our work, so we feel good about the feedback and continue to improve! This would be useful in the workplace as well so workers feel appreciated for their hard work. It’s all a win-win situation when feedback is given correctly. 🙂
All the best,
Being able to give and receive feedback is really a skill in which one needs to acquire to not only help others, but help themselves. Feedback helps us grow not only as writers, but as people. Feedback allows people to better understand with details as to what they need to work on their performance as well as what they are doing well. It’s always good to give positive feedback to people as well because not only is it nice to know what we are doing well, but lets the person receiving the feedback what to continue and to increase in order better their performance.
Feedback is also important with writing emails and office communication because as current or future career professional we need to know how to receive feedback and give feedback in our workplace. As I’m sure many of us know, email in the professional world is key in office communication, therefore feedback is often given and receive through email. Knowing how to connect all the skills of writing of emails and feedback can ultimately increase our skills as a professional.
Within the schooling of becoming a social worker, as learners we depend on the feedback others on how to improve our skills as social workers. The feedback we get can ultimately affect the life of someone we will in the future help. Feedback is one of many keys in the education of learning. Without feedback, we can’t grow as learners, professional, and as people.
We give and receive feedback at different levels every day. How we respond is a characteristic of each individual. I learned the importance of constructive feedback as it helps maintain open communication between sender and receiver. The goal is to not harm, but to understand the problem and possible solutions. It is important as the sender to construct your feedback with concise and detailed information. As the receiver we should not let our emotions sway misunderstanding of information.
This applies to e-mails and other types of communications as well. Some may tend to say things in writing that we would not be willing to state in person. This could lead to micro-messages getting out of control. As senders do we hide behind our e-mails when feedback is not good? Do we want to secretly imply a micro-message just to seek a certain response or cause harm? At some point we are probably all guilty. If this is a situation I want to avoid then it is best to place myself on receiving end. What questions would I have? What solutions would I want to hear? Giving feedback to an e-mail or other communication should reply to specifics in order to keep good history and clarification.
It is hard to accept feedback that is negative. This has motivated me to make sure my feedback contains specifics that can back up my observations, experiences, and issues. If I feel the feedback received is unwarranted, it is important to discuss the sender’s point of view. We each have a right to our own opinion. When this opinion affects others it is necessary to set aside bias. Let facts and opportunity state the case.
I learned that giving and receiving feedback can help you and as well as others by informing them what they to work on and how to feel about the topic. I like it when people share what they feel about my writing and how to improve it. Feedback is mostly used for what other thinks about a situation or topic especially in business world and in company. For instance, we might give feedback about a product that came out or we bought. It is a great tool to use if you want something to be changed or get fixed.